Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pretzel Bread Appetizers ( From September)

Hi everybody! (in my Dr. Nick voice) Did you miss me? Probably not, either way I am still cooking but life started to pick up so writing decreased. I know. I know. Excuses Excuses. Either way I have made quite a few tasty items (Cilantro-Lime Chicken, Cognac Cupcakes, and Chocolate Icing, etc.) but I did not take a lot of pictures. So the coolest thing I have made was my Pretzel Bread Appetizer. This is a quick appetizer that takes 5 minutes to make and 5-8 minutes to bake.


1. Pretzel Bread

2. Olive Oil

3. Red Pepper and Cheese Spread

4. Italian Blend Cheese


1. Preheat oven to 350*F.

2. First I brought some Pretzel Bread at Giant (you can also use Asiago cheese bread from Panera or just plain French bread). I sliced the bread into equal slices (about 7/8 “to 1” thick) I didn’t measure the bread.

3. Next gently brush a thin layer of Olive Oil over each piece of Bread.

4. Spread about a teaspoon of Roasted Red Pepper & Cheese Spread ( From Harry and David)

5. Sprinkle some Italian Blend Cheese on each Bread Spread mix.

6. Bake until cheese is melted than serve.

The reason I love this appetizer is it took less than $10 to make and less than 10 mins to make. In addition, my little cousins devoured them. I wonder did they devour them because they were good or because it was cooked food within 500 feet of their presence.

Until Next time,


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